Plants Facts Generator

  • [Plants fact 1] The World Record for the fastest growing plant belongs to a certain species of bamboo. They have been found to grow up to 35 inches per day at a rate of 0.00002 mph. That’s nearly 1.5 inches an hour. You could literally watch bamboo grow before your eyes.


  • [Plants fact 2] Harvest Mice like crawling into flowers to eat the pollen and sometimes even fall asleep in them.


  • [Plants fact 3] Evidence suggests that sloths grow algae in their fur and then eat it. This algae-farming is thought to be aided by moths that live in the fur, and whose growth the sloth actively promotes.


  • [Plants fact 4] Sebastião Ribeiro Salgado and his wife Lélia Deluiz Wanick Salgado in 20 years planted 2.7 million trees to afforest part of The Atlantic Forest. This resulted in 1,500 acres of rainforest being recovered with 293 of plants, 15 reptiles, 172 birds, 15 amphibians and 33 mammal species having returned.


  • [Plants fact 5] Mandrake, a root of a plant that sometimes resembles a human has long been steeped in the occult and medieval lore. The root was believed to bear hallucinogenic and narcotic properties and was used in the treatment of headaches, earaches, gout, and insanity to name a few.


  • [Plants fact 6] In ancient Rome, one of the most common cooking ingredients was called “laser”, from the silphium plant. It does not exist today. It was so delicious that it was harvested to extinction from its natural habitat in what is now Libya. We think that it probably tasted something like garlic.


  • [Plants fact 7] Trees actually sleep at night, relaxing their branches after dawn and perking them up before sunrise.


  • [Plants fact 8] There is a mushroom called “Chicken of the Woods.” It tastes like chicken to some but to others, it tastes like crab or lobster.


  • [Plants fact 9] The word "essential" in "essential oil" doesn't mean "important," but rather "the essence of". So oil of clove smells like clove, capturing the "essence" of the plant, and therefore can be called an essential oil.


  • [Plants fact 10] Solitary bees are considered "super pollinators" with a 95% pollination rate compared to honey bees at 5%.


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