Misc Facts Generator

  • [Misc fact 1] The 1968 Pandemic H3N2 virus, commonly referred to as the Hong Kong Flu Virus was an extremely contagious virus with a low fatality rate that originated in China and was widespread in the United States about five months later. It struck in two waves, with the second being more deadly.


  • [Misc fact 2] The real name of the man who is popularly known as “Hide the Pain Harold” is Arató András. He is a retired Hungarian electrical engineer turned stock photography model and stumbled upon himself as a meme when he was looking up stock photos of himself to see how they turned out.


  • [Misc fact 3] In The Naked Gun (1988), the Police Lab door's label is half-mirrored; "Lab" is reversed to be readable from the inside.


  • [Misc fact 4] Nikola Tesla openly expressed disgust for overweight people. Once, he fired his secretary solely because of her weight.


  • [Misc fact 5] Fire departments were first created in the modern world by the insurance companies in the 17th century. These companies hired private brigades to put out fires for their policyholders. Each insurance company had its own brigade and would extinguish only the fires of their customers while leaving non-customer properties to burn.


  • [Misc fact 6] It’s possible to replace a lost thumb with a toe. The first successful toe-to-thumb transplant was performed in 1964, on a rhesus monkey (the first human was 1972).


  • [Misc fact 7] Judith Viorst (author of Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day) wrote a poem about her parent's deaths when she was 7-year-old. Both her parents were still alive at the time and were not amused.


  • [Misc fact 8] Rich students who have poor classmates become more prosocial, generous, and egalitarian; and less likely to discriminate against poor students, and more willing to socialize with them. These effects are driven by personal interactions between rich and poor students.


  • [Misc fact 9] During the 17th century, women's fashions with exposed breasts were common in society, from queens to common prostitutes, and it emulated by all classes. An exposed ankle however was considered to be more risqué.


  • [Misc fact 10] The male of a tiny Australian marsupial species called the antechinus goes into a mating frenzy once in its short life and has sex with as many females as possible until his body disintegrates.


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