Insects Facts Generator

  • [Insects fact 1] The Sugarloaf Key Bat Tower was built in the Florida Keys in 1929 and it was filled with bats to control the mosquito problem. The bats flew away, never to return, and the tower toppled after Hurricane Irma.


  • [Insects fact 2] A San Francisco man named Tim Wong saved a threatened butterfly species (California pipevine swallowtail butterflies) by replanting rare flora in his backyard, transporting caterpillars to his local botanical garden, where they began to make a comeback.


  • [Insects fact 3] Dragonflies are one of the most efficient killers in nature, capturing their prey more than 95% of the time.


  • [Insects fact 4] In the 14th century, ships would catapult beehives onto the decks of enemy ships to clear the way for boarding parties.


  • [Insects fact 5] Ant queens can take over other colonies by murdering their real queen and bathing in her bodily fluids to avoid detection. Since ants can only parasitize other specific species, it is speculated that some ants decorate their homes with the heads of other ant species to mask their own scent.


  • [Insects fact 6] Some tarantulas keep frogs as pets so that these frogs can eat insects that burrow into their nest.


  • [Insects fact 7] Japanese Honeybees have adapted to kill Murder Hornets by vibrating together in a ball around the hornet and using their combined body heat to cook it alive.


  • [Insects fact 8] Dragonflies breathe through gills in their rectum, and can rapidly propel themselves by suddenly expelling water through the anus.


  • [Insects fact 9] After being stung by the Warrior Wasp, sting pain index creator Justin Schmidt described the pain as, “torture, like you are chained in the flow of an active volcano. Why did I start this list?”


  • [Insects fact 10] Stanford researchers have shown that mealworms can safely consume various types of plastics including toxic additive-containing plastic such as polystyrene with no ill effects. The worms can then be used as a safe, protein-rich feed supplement.


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