[Religion fact 1] The croissant, due to a legend that it was created to celebrate Christian victory over Islam, has been banned by some Islamic fundamentalists.
[Religion fact 2] Studies in 'ice cores' found in Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, the mountain which supplies the Nile with its water has revealed that a drought did take place around 3600 years ago, around the same time the Bible sets Joseph’s story in Egypt.
[Religion fact 3] An Indian rationalist named Sanal Edamaruku was accused of blasphemy and had to flee the country after he proved that the "miracle" tears coming from a Jesus statue actually came from clogged drainage pipes.
[Religion fact 4] There is a version of the Bible translated into Hawaiian Pidgin called 'Da Jesus Book'.
[Religion fact 5] Jesus was often depicted performing his miracles with a magic wand in early Christian art.
[Religion fact 6] If "Jedi" was accepted as a religion by New Zealand's 2001 census, it would have been the second-largest religion behind Christianity in New Zealand.
[Religion fact 7] Church attendance in Ireland dropped from 90% in the 80s to 18% by 2011. The change is attributed to the church's attitude towards the multiple sex scandals that surfaced from the 90s onwards.
[Religion fact 8] There was an epidemic of Satanic ritual abuse across America in the 1980s that turned out to be completely imagined. People were recalling memories of sexual abuse and cannibalism that never even occurred.
[Religion fact 9] Germany doesn’t recognize Scientology as a religion.
[Religion fact 10] The Persian Army brought an immense block of marble to the Battle of Marathon, intending to build a monument of their victory. Captured by the Greeks, they sculpted a statue of Nemesis, the goddess who cuts down those with too much pride.
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