Birds Facts Generator

  • [Birds fact 1] Penguins swim so fast that they can propel themselves over 7 feet (2 meters) above water. The technique they use to cut through waves like dolphins or porpoises is called “porpoising.”

    Animal BehaviorAnimalsBirds

  • [Birds fact 2] The wishbone (or “merrythought” bone) is a bird’s fused collarbone. The strongest fliers have the widest angles in their wishbones. They are the only vertebrate animals to have a fused collarbone.

    Animal BehaviorAnimalsBirds

  • [Birds fact 3] Owl-like birds, like Berruornis and Ogygoptynx, lived 60 million years ago. Owls are one of the most ancient types of bird, along with chickens, turkeys, and pheasants.

    Animal BehaviorAnimalsBirds

  • [Birds fact 4] Owls cannot move their eyes. This is because their eyes are not balls, but cylinders that are held in place by bones called sclerotic rings. This is also the reason why owls have evolved to be able to rotate their head 270 degrees left and right, and 90 degrees up and down.


  • [Birds fact 5] A World War 2 pigeon named Mary of Exeter survived an assassination attempt by a German Warhawk, was shot, hit with shrapnel, and survived a bombing of her loft while delivering messages across the English Channel to France.


  • [Birds fact 6] Kiwi birds are mostly blind, so they hunt by smell. They are the only birds in the world with nostrils on the ends of their beaks which, combined with their excellent sense of smell, makes them pro insect hunters.


  • [Birds fact 7] A group of young penguin chicks is called a “crèche.” A group of penguins in the water is called a “raft.” A group of penguins on land is called a “waddle.”

    Animal BehaviorAnimalsBirds

  • [Birds fact 8] The heaviest bird of prey is the Andean condor. It can weigh up to 27 lb. (12 kg.).

    Animal BehaviorAnimalsBirds

  • [Birds fact 9] The most dangerous bird in the world is the Cassowary. With one kick it can kill its enemy.

    Animal BehaviorAnimalsBirds

  • [Birds fact 10] Out of all the penguin and bird species, the Emperor Penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) breeds in the coldest environment. Air temperatures may reach -40° F (-40° C) and wind speeds may reach 89 mph (144 km/hr).

    Animal BehaviorAnimalsBirds

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