[Pizza fact 1] It has been scientifically proven that mozzarella cheese is the best pizza cheese.
[Pizza fact 2] A restaurant in Alaska, Airport Pizza, delivers pizza by airplane.
[Pizza fact 3] Mayo Jinga is a Japanese pizza that features corn, potatoes, pancetta, and mayonnaise.
[Pizza fact 4] A Pizza Hut delivery man was fired after he shot and killed a man who approached him with a gun.
[Pizza fact 5] Over 3 billion pizzas are sold every year in the United States alone.
[Pizza fact 6] Since the early 1960s, the price of pizza has uncannily matched the price of a New York subway ride. Known as the "Pizza Principle" or the "Pizza-Subway Connection," this "economic law" is generally accurate.
[Pizza fact 7] Once, a man claiming to be a part of Bob Dylan's backstage crew walked into an Antonio's Pizzeria in Amherst, Massachusetts, and ordered 148 pizzas, for a total of nearly $4,000. In what turned out to be a prank, the man never returned to pay or pick up the pizzas.
[Pizza fact 8] Baked in 2012, the world's largest pizza measured 131 feet in diameter and weighed 51,257 pounds. It used 19,800 pounds of gluten-free flour, 10,000 pounds of tomato sauce, 8,800 pounds of mozzarella cheese, 1, 488 pounds of margarine, 551 pounds of rock salt, 220 pounds of lettuce, and 55 pounds of vinegar.
[Pizza fact 9] Pizza is the second-leading source of calories in the diet of American children, second behind grain desserts, such as cookies and other carb-heavy treats.
[Pizza fact 10] Americans eat approximately 250 million pounds of pepperoni a year.
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