Moon Facts Generator

  • [Moon fact 1] Pluto is the only known dwarf planet with an atmosphere. It is very thin and would be toxic for humans to breathe. When Pluto is at its perihelion (closest to the sun), Pluto’s atmosphere is gas. When Pluto is at its aphelion (farthest from the sun), its atmosphere freezes and falls like snow.


  • [Moon fact 2] Saturn is called a “naked eye” planet because it can be seen without a telescope or binoculars. Saturn is often the third brightest planet in the night sky and has a yellowish color that does not twinkle. Unlike stars, planets like Saturn do not twinkle because they are much closer to Earth than stars.


  • [Moon fact 3] Of all the planets, Mercury has the most eccentric, or elliptical, orbit.


  • [Moon fact 4] Early human ancestors used to have three eyelids, one of which eventually became the small fold in the corner of human eyes today.


  • [Moon fact 5] Methane, or natural gas, gives Uranus its blue color.


  • [Moon fact 6] The word “moon” comes from the Latin word luna, which means “glowing” or “bright.” The words “month” and “menstruation” are related to the word “moon.”


  • [Moon fact 7] Pluto is the second-largest dwarf planet in the solar system. Eris, which is 27% larger than Pluto, is the first.


  • [Moon fact 8] Blue, green, and hazel eyes all exist thanks to a genetic mutation; brown was the only eye color present in humans until about 6,000 years ago.


  • [Moon fact 9] During the Renaissance, Mars played a central role in one of the most important and fiercest intellectual battles in the history of Western civilization: whether Earth is the center of the universe. Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543) coherently explained that Mars seems to move backwards across the sky because Earth overtakes Mars in its orbit around the sun.


  • [Moon fact 10] Pluto is not on the edge of our solar system. The edge of our solar system is past the theorized Oort cloud, which, starting from Pluto, would take 10,000 years to reach. Pluto is barely one-fifty-thousandth of the way to the edge of the solar system.


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