[Fish fact 1] A male emperor angelfish lives together with up to five female mates. If the emperor angelfish dies, one of the females turns into a male fish and becomes the leader of the group.
[Fish fact 2] Approximately 100 million sharks are killed every year. Shark teeth are used to make necklaces; cartilage is used to make fertilizers; skin is used to make leather; liver is used to make face cream, sap, and fuel; and fins are used to make soup. The mass killing of sharks creates a negative, cascading effect in the global environment.
[Fish fact 3] A female blue shark’s skin is three times thicker than a blue male’s to survive courtship bites.
[Fish fact 4] Crabs communicate by flapping their pincers or drumming their claws.
[Fish fact 5] Jellyfish are not fish. They are actually plankton from the phylum Cnidaria (Greek for “stinging nettle”) and the class Scyphoza (from the Greek “cup”). Some aquariums are trying to popularize the terms “jellies” or “sea jellies” instead of jellyfish.
[Fish fact 6] There are two kinds of crabs. First are true crabs, or brachyurans, which have a very short abdomen and use four pairs of long legs for walking. True crabs include blue crabs, spider crabs, and ghost crabs. Second are false crabs, or anomurans, which have a longer abdominal section and fewer walking legs. False crabs include hermit crabs, king crabs, and squat lobsters.
[Fish fact 7] The most bizarre feeding technique of all sharks is that of the Cookiecutter (cigar or luminous) shark. It attaches its mouth onto its victim and carves out a hunk of flesh, leaving a distinctive circular wound in its prey, like a pastry cutter. Its body has a series of holes called “photophores” that glow in the dark water. In fact, its scientific genus name is Isistius, from Isis, the Egyptian goddess of light.
[Fish fact 8] There are more than 2,000 different types of jellyfish. Approximately 70 can hurt people, with the box jellyfish (Chironex fleckeri) being the most dangerous. Scientists believe that there could be as many as 300,000 different species of jellyfish yet to be discovered.
[Fish fact 9] An inflated porcupine fish can reach a diameter of up to 35 inches (90 cm). It puffs up by swallowing water and then storing it in its stomach. The stomach increases in size with more water. If the fish is taken out of water, it can inflate in a similar way by swallowing air.
[Fish fact 10] A group of crabs is called a cast.
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