Discovery Facts Generator

  • [Discovery fact 1] Biologists at Osaka University in Japan have discovered a new way to grow the many separate tissues that make up the human eyeball, including retinas, corneas, the eye's lens, using stem cells extracted from a small sample of adult skin.


  • [Discovery fact 2] The style of Kung Fu practiced by Bruce Lee, Wing Chun, was actually invented for women by a woman. It features a narrower stance than other martial arts, focuses on speed and agility instead of strength, and confrontations where the attacker is very close.


  • [Discovery fact 3] Ole Rømer was a Danish astronomer who demonstrated that light has a speed, invented a precursor to the Fahrenheit scale, and invented the mercury thermometer. He also ran the police force in Copenhagen and once fired all the officers because morale was low.


  • [Discovery fact 4] Nikola Tesla predicted the modern cell phone in 1926: “We shall be able to communicate with one another instantly, irrespective of distance. Not only this but...we shall see and hear one another as perfectly as though we were face to face... a man will be able to carry one in his pocket.”


  • [Discovery fact 5] The fire hydrant is believed to have been invented by an engineer named Frederick Graff, but this can't be verified because the patent was destroyed in a fire at the patent office in 1836.


  • [Discovery fact 6] A Brazilian aviator named Santos Dumont believed that air travel would bring world peace. Therefore he offered his works for free. He was accused of espionage during World War 1 and he killed himself after witnessing planes being used in warfare.


  • [Discovery fact 7] The Mask of Warka is the oldest discovered accurate depiction of a human face (3100 B.C.). It disappeared from the National Museum of Iraq after the 2003 US invasion. A US military mission to recover lost artifacts found the mask, undamaged, buried in a farmer's backyard.


  • [Discovery fact 8] The Wright Brothers hated the first director of the Smithsonian Institution, who claimed that he flew before them. If the Smithsonian ever gives credit to earlier claims of controlled and powered manned flight, the Wright Brothers' plane must be returned to Orville's estate.


  • [Discovery fact 9] Bertha Benz successfully marketed her husband's invention, the motor car, when she took it for a 65-mile trip, overcoming mechanical problems and inventing brake shoes on the way, and proving that cars were suitable for long journeys. Her trip gained attention, resulting in Benz's first sale.


  • [Discovery fact 10] With the invention of the pendulum clock in 1656, a Dutch physicist named Christiaan Huygens increased the best accuracy of clocks from 15 minutes deviation a day to around 15 seconds a day.


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