Random phrase 1
Auld Lang Syne
Meaning: The Anglicized version of 'auld lang syne', which means old long-since or old long-ago.
Random phrase 2
If music be the food of love, play on
Meaning: Orsino is asking for more music because he is frustrated in his courtship of Countess Olivia. He muses that an excess of music might cure his obsession with love, in the way that eating too much removes one's appetite for food.
Random phrase 3
Kangaroo court
Meaning: An unauthorized, bogus court.
Random phrase 4
Meaning: A coward.
Random phrase 5
Right Out Of The Gate
Meaning: Right from the beginning, or to do something immediately.
Random phrase 6
The writing is on the wall
Meaning: Imminent danger has become apparent.
Random phrase 7
Cotton on to
Meaning: To get to know or understand something.
Random phrase 8
Carry coals to Newcastle
Meaning: To do something pointless and superfluous.
Random phrase 9
Against the grain
Meaning: Against one's inclination or natural tendency.
Random phrase 10
Hard Pill To Swallow
Meaning: Something that's difficult to accept.
About Random Phrase Generator
Phrase, also known as proverbs, proverbs, idioms, statements by our ancestors or celebrities based on life experiences, or a summary of things, usually express an interesting fact that is widely spread and often used by people. We have collected more than 2,000 phrases, which are frequently used. Each phrase has a corresponding meaning, which can help you learn idiom knowledge and help you review phrase knowledge.
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