Random Swedish Words Generator

  • Swedish word 1

    att avsluta

    Meaning: 1. to finish sth., to complete sth., (usually followed by nouns); 2. [att ~ samtalet] to finish a phone call

  • Swedish word 2


    Meaning: tough, viscous; stubborn, unyielding

  • Swedish word 3

    en återgång

    Meaning: 1. a going back, a return; 2. a cancellation, an annulment (e.g. of purchase) (NOT a loan word)

  • Swedish word 4

    en center

    Meaning: 1. a centre (in political sense); 2. [~n] the Centre Party (political party in Sweden)

  • Swedish word 5

    ett humör

    Meaning: 1. a mood, a temper; 2. [på gott ~] in a good mood; 3. [på dåligt ~] in a bad mood, in a bad temper

  • Swedish word 6

    att framstå

    Meaning: to come across as, to seem, to appear

  • Swedish word 7

    ett intrång

    Meaning: an intrusion, a trespassing, an infringement

  • Swedish word 8

    en klapp

    Meaning: a pat (e.g. on the shoulder)

New Random Swedish Words Generator

About Random Swedish Words Generator

This random Swedish words generator can help you quickly generate Swedish words for free.

We collected the most commonly used 8269 Swedish words according to the frequency of use. This tool can randomly generate 8 Swedish words each time. You can see the corresponding English meaning of each Swedish word. This tool can help you learn Swedish or review Swedish words can also be used as a testing tool to test your Swedish vocabulary mastery.

Using this tool is very simple, every refresh will appear 8 new Swedish words, you can also specify the number to generate, when you click on the word, the word will be automatically selected, and the generated Swedish words will be displayed in the text box. Let you copy more easily.

There are more than 5,000 languages recorded in the world, 91 of which have more than 10 million users. We have collected 36 commonly used words in the most spoken languages, here the list:


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