Choose from over 100,000 popular color schemes
Color Scheme 1 #2F404D
rgb(47, 64, 77)#5F4A5E
rgb(95, 74, 94)#DCD4A3
rgb(220, 212, 163)#CAC03A
rgb(202, 192, 58)#ECC231
rgb(236, 194, 49)Color Scheme 2 #143162
rgb(20, 49, 98)#257690
rgb(37, 118, 144)#9B807D
rgb(155, 128, 125)#DCAA9B
rgb(220, 170, 155)#D16433
rgb(209, 100, 51)Color Scheme 3 #312737
rgb(49, 39, 55)#385B52
rgb(56, 91, 82)#7F9013
rgb(127, 144, 19)#F6EB72
rgb(246, 235, 114)#E14B23
rgb(225, 75, 35)Color Scheme 4 #292930
rgb(41, 41, 48)#698587
rgb(105, 133, 135)#C3A191
rgb(195, 161, 145)#BF9482
rgb(191, 148, 130)#CD642A
rgb(205, 100, 42)Color Scheme 5 #60715A
rgb(96, 113, 90)#61D4C7
rgb(97, 212, 199)#F6C33C
rgb(246, 195, 60)#E02D2A
rgb(224, 45, 42)#E81631
rgb(232, 22, 49)Color Scheme 6 #FBFAF7
rgb(251, 250, 247)#C6BA97
rgb(198, 186, 151)#DF4A63
rgb(223, 74, 99)#B53A3F
rgb(181, 58, 63)#4A6B70
rgb(74, 107, 112)
About Color Scheme Generator
This color scheme generator can generate a random color scheme. There are color combinations everywhere in life. Whether it's clothes or web pages, you need to use the right color to attract people. Obviously, it is very necessary to adopt the correct color scheme.
We've collected more than 100,000 popular color schemes, each with five colors, which together make your product stand out and get attention. You can generate your own color scheme, you only need to input the number to get the results, you can generate up to 100 color schemes at a time, each color has a corresponding hex and rgb. There are too many colors, and we are currently unable to generate a color scheme based on the specified color.