Color 1
color name: Yellow
rgb(255,255,0) hex: #FFFF00Color 2
color name: Coral
rgb(255,127,80) hex: #FF7F50Color 3
color name: Tropical rain forest
rgb(0,117,94) hex: #00755EColor 4
color name: Raisin black
rgb(36,33,36) hex: #242124Color 5
color name: Falu red
rgb(128,24,24) hex: #801818Color 6
color name: Kombu green
rgb(53,66,48) hex: #354230Color 7
rgb(130,173,221) hex: #82ADDD
Color 8
rgb(137,252,179) hex: #89FCB3
Color 9
rgb(238,184,81) hex: #EEB851
Color 10
rgb(71,49,94) hex: #47315E
Color 11
rgb(8,213,139) hex: #08D58B
Color 12
rgb(108,198,142) hex: #6CC68E
About Color Generator
This color generator can generate random colors, some named colors and some completely random (no names) colors. We have collected 955 colors that have been named so far, but the colors that exist are countless, not every color are all named. According to the RGB color mode, we can randomly generate colors based on r(0-255), g(0-255), and b(0-255).
So if you want to generate the currently named name, you only need to select the type of color, then enter the quantity, click the Generate button, and you can generate up to 100 colors at a time. Click on the color name, rgb value, hex value text, and the text will be automatically selected. It is convenient for you to copy and save.