[Verb 1] silver
[Verb Forms]: [present simple I / you / we / they silver] [he / she / it silvers] [past simple silvered] [past participle silvered] [-ing form silvering]
definition 1: [usually passive] silver something to cover the surface of something with a thin layer of silver or something that looks like silver
definition 2: silver something (especially literary) to make something become bright like silver
- Moonlight was silvering the countryside.
[Verb 2] attest
[Verb Forms]: [present simple I / you / we / they attest] [he / she / it attests] [past simple attested] [past participle attested] [-ing form attesting]
definition 1: [intransitive, transitive] to show or prove that something is true synonym bear/give witness
- attest to something Contemporary accounts attest to his courage and determination.
- attest (that…) Documents attest that there was a school attached to the abbey from 1125.
- She is, as countless stories about her attest, deeply religious.
definition 2: [transitive] to state that you believe that something is true or what somebody claims it is, for example in court
- attest something to attest a will
- The signature was attested by two witnesses.
- attest that… I can attest that this treatement really works.
[Verb 3] outswim
[Verb Forms]: [outswam] [outswum] [outswimming]
definition : [transitive verb] to outdo or surpass in swimming : to swim faster, farther, or better than
- Polar bears use sea ice as a platform from which to hunt seals, which are the bearsʼ main source of food but can outswim them in open water.— Rowena Lindsay
[Verb 4] own
[Verb Forms]: [present simple I / you / we / they own] [he / she / it owns] [past simple owned] [past participle owned] [past simple owning] [past participle owning]
definition 1: [transitive] own something to have something that belongs to you, especially because you have bought it
- Do you own your house or do you rent it?
- I don't own anything of any value.
- Most of the apartments are privately owned.
definition 2: [transitive] own something (business) to manage and take responsibility for something
- The successful candidate will be responsible for owning and achieving sales targets.
definition 3: [transitive] (especially US English, informal) to be completely successful, especially in a competition; to completely defeat somebody
- own something She owned the stage, performing a medley of hit songs.
- He didn't just finish the course, he completely owned it.
- own somebody Yeah right, she totally owned you, man!
definition 4: [intransitive, transitive] (old-fashioned) to admit that something is true
- own to something/to doing something He owned to a feeling of guilt.
- own (that)… She owned (that) she had been present.
[Verb 5] overbuild
[Verb Forms]: [overbuilt] [overbuilding]
definition : [transitive verb] to build beyond the actual demand of
definition : [intransitive verb] to build houses or commercial developments in excess of demand
[Verb 6] breach
[Verb Forms]: [present simple I / you / we / they breach] [he / she / it breaches] [past simple breached] [past participle breached] [-ing form breaching]
definition 1: breach something to not keep to an agreement or not keep a promise synonym break
- The government is accused of breaching the terms of the treaty.
- A doctor was sacked for allegedly breaching patient confidentiality.
- The proposed changes breached trade union rules.
definition 2: breach something to make a hole in a wall, fence, etc. so that somebody/something can go through it
- The dam had been breached.
- Demonstrators breached police lines around the embassy.
About Verb Generator
If you are looking for a verb generator, you have come to the right place.
We have produced a very powerful random verb generator. We have collected more than 9000 common verbs, mainly from the Oxford dictionary. These verbs do not include verb variations, such as the past tense and the third person singular. Therefore, the verbs you use this verb generator to get are accurate and not verbose.
This verb generator is powerful because it has many ways to generate verbs. As you can see, you can enter the letter to be included, then specify the first letter and the last letter of the verb, and also set the length and number of syllables of the verb. This can help you generate almost any verb you want.
For each generated verb, you can see detailed definitions, examples, and verb forms, which can help you better understand and remember verbs.
What can this verb generator be used for?
1. As a learning tool, if you are learning words, especially verbs, this tool will be a good helper for you. By specifying conditions, you can generate verbs within a certain range, which can help you greatly improve your efficiency.
2. As an inspiration tool, Maybe you are writing a song or a novel. Maybe you should use this verb generator to expand your vocabulary, help you choose more accurate verbs, and make your work more attractive. Or, when you are lacking in inspiration, you can randomly generate some verbs for the story.
3. As a game tool; Yes, this verb generator can be used as a game tool. You can play a game of guessing verbs with your friends. You can do the corresponding actions according to the verbs, and they can guess the verbs according to your actions. It will be very interesting.