Random Cat Breed Generator

  • cat breed 1



    Location/Origin: Unspecified, but somewhere in Afro-Asia, likely Ethiopia

    Type: Natural

    Body Type: Semi-foreign

    Coat type and length: Short

    Pattern: Ticked tabby

  • cat breed 2

    Arabian Mau

    Arabian Mau

    Location/Origin: the Arabian Peninsula

    Type: Natural

    Body Type: Moderate and muscular

    Coat type and length: Short

    Pattern: All

  • cat breed 3

    Khao Manee

    Khao Manee

    Location/Origin: Thailand

    Type: Natural

    Body Type: Moderate

    Coat type and length: Short

    Pattern: Solid white

  • cat breed 4

    Korean Bobtail

    Korean Bobtail

    Location/Origin: Korea

    Type: Natural, mutation

    Body Type: Moderate

    Coat type and length: Short/long

    Pattern: Colorpoint

  • cat breed 5

    Turkish Van

    Turkish Van

    Location/Origin: Developed in United Kingdom (England);foundation stock from Turkey

    Type: Natural

    Body Type: Semi-cobby

    Coat type and length: Semi-long

    Pattern: Van pattern

  • cat breed 6

    Turkish Vankedisi

    Turkish Vankedisi

    Location/Origin: Turkey

    Type: Natural

    Body Type: Svelte

    Coat type and length: Long

    Pattern: Solid white

New Random Cat Breed Generator

About Random Cat Breed Generator

As one of the most important friends of human beings and one of the most popular pets, cats have a wide variety. As of 2019, The International Cat Association (TICA) recognizes 73 standardized breeds, the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) recognizes 45, and the Fédération Internationale Féline (FIFe) recognizes 48.

We collected 92 cat breeds that were not extinct, including breeds recognized by relevant associations and breeds that were not recognized but actually existed.

This random cat breed generator can help you choose and learn about cats. This page displays six random cat breeds by default. You can see pictures, origins, types, coats, etc., of each breed of cat.

The following is a list of cat breeds:

  1. Abyssinian
  2. Aegean
  3. American Bobtail
  4. American Curl
  5. American Ringtail
  6. American Shorthair
  7. American Wirehair
  8. Aphrodite Giant
  9. Arabian Mau
  10. Asian
  11. Asian Semi-longhair
  12. Australian Mist
  13. Balinese
  14. Bengal
  15. Birman
  16. Bombay
  17. Brazilian Shorthair
  18. British Longhair
  19. British Shorthair
  20. Burmese
  21. Burmilla
  22. California Spangled
  23. Chantilly-Tiffany
  24. Chartreux
  25. Chausie
  26. Colorpoint Shorthair
  27. Cornish Rex
  28. Cymric, Manx Longhair or Long-haired Manx
  29. Cyprus
  30. Devon Rex
  31. Donskoy or Don Sphynx
  32. Dragon Li or Chinese Li Hua
  33. Dwelf
  34. Egyptian Mau
  35. European Shorthair
  36. Exotic Shorthair
  37. Foldex
  38. German Rex
  39. Havana Brown
  40. Highlander
  41. Himalayan or Colorpoint Persian
  42. Japanese Bobtail
  43. Javanese or Colorpoint Longhair
  44. Khao Manee
  45. Korat
  46. Korean Bobtail
  47. Kurilian Bobtail orKuril Islands Bobtail
  48. Lambkin
  49. LaPerm
  50. Lykoi
  51. Maine Coon
  52. Manx
  53. Mekong Bobtail
  54. Minskin
  55. Minuet
  56. Munchkin
  57. Nebelung
  58. Norwegian Forest Cat
  59. Ocicat
  60. Ojos Azules
  61. Oriental Bicolor
  62. Oriental Longhair
  63. Oriental Shorthair
  64. Persian (modern)
  65. Persian (traditional)
  66. Peterbald
  67. Pixie-bob
  68. Ragamuffin or Liebling (obsolete)
  69. Ragdoll
  70. Raas
  71. Russian Blue
  72. Savannah
  73. Scottish Fold
  74. Selkirk Rex
  75. Serengeti
  76. Serrade Petit
  77. Siamese (modern)
  78. Siberian or Siberian Forest Cat
  79. Singapura
  80. Snowshoe
  81. Sokoke
  82. Somali
  83. Sphynx
  84. Suphalak
  85. Thai or Traditional, Classic
  86. Tonkinese
  87. Toyger
  88. Turkish Angora
  89. Turkish Van
  90. Turkish Vankedisi
  91. Ukrainian Levkoy
  92. York Chocolate

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