Humanbody Facts Generator

  • [Humanbody fact 1] Without enzymes, it would take about 1 million years for our body to extract energy from ATP. ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) is essentially the most common form of "energy currency" in almost any living cell. When they say the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, that’s because it makes about 36 molecules of ATP for every one glucose molecule it processes.


  • [Humanbody fact 2] In the US being clean shaven became popular after troops returned as heroes from WWI they had been required to shave so gas masks would securely fit.


  • [Humanbody fact 3] In Ireland, it had been a tradition to be given a pint of Guinness beer for a pint of donated blood, to replace the iron. However this program was cancelled in 2012.


  • [Humanbody fact 4] In an interview in 2008, Olympic medalist swimmer Michael Phelps admitted that he consumed 10,000 calories a day, while in training. It is approximately five times the normal caloric intake for the average adult male. His diet was not limited to 2 pounds of pasta a day, 3 chocolate chip pancakes, one 5-egg omelet, 3 fried egg sandwiches, lots of energy drinks & coffee.


  • [Humanbody fact 5] In 1986, an organ transplant aircraft broke down in Fargo resulting in the governor summoning an F-4 Phantom to transport a heart to California for a recipient.


  • [Humanbody fact 6] Human bodies donated to science are often sold by for-profit corporations to medical schools, etc. Even though selling body parts is illegal in the U.S., the loophole is that the fee is for the “service” of procuring the bodies.


  • [Humanbody fact 7] Humans are 99.9% genetically similar to other humans; 96% genetically similar to chimpanzees; 90% genetically similar to cats; 85% genetically similar to mice; 80% genetically similar to cows; 61% genetically similar to chickens; and 60% genetically similar to bananas.


  • [Humanbody fact 8] A 2016 study found that the Thunder Mountain roller coaster at Disney World reliably makes people pass kidney stones.


  • [Humanbody fact 9] Japan is home to the world’s only parasite museum. It houses one of the most extreme parasites ever discovered by medical science, the longest tapeworm. The 8.8-meter (28 ft) Diphyllobothrium nihonkaiense was removed from the stomach of a Japanese man who complained of stomach pains after eating trout. Alongside the display, is a piece of rope with an identical length and girth so that visitors can have tactile aid to see just how terrifyingly long it is.


  • [Humanbody fact 10] There is a “bacon gene”, which makes some people able to tell the difference between pork from female and male pigs and it makes them hate the smell of the latter.


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