History Facts Generator

  • [History fact 1] Powdered wigs became fashionable after King Henry Louis XIII started using them to hide his premature balding and this trend became associated with the high class because the king was wearing them.


  • [History fact 2] In the 14th century, ships would catapult beehives onto the decks of enemy ships to clear the way for boarding parties.


  • [History fact 3] In 480 B.C., two Persian pontoon bridges across the Dardanelles were destroyed by a storm. Hot-tempered King Xerxes I punished the strait by throwing fetters into it, whipping it 300 times, and branding it with hot irons, while his soldiers were commanded to shout at the water.


  • [History fact 4] The first pair of Nike running shoes was made in a waffle iron.


  • [History fact 5] Though Madagascar now produces 80% of the world’s vanilla, the vine is native to Mexico. Mayans were the first to cultivate it in the jungles of the Yucatan peninsula. They flavored their chocolate drink with vanilla.


  • [History fact 6] In 1533, Catherine de' Medici became the queen of France. She fancied spinach so much that she insisted it be served at every meal. To this day, dishes made with spinach are known as "Florentine", reflecting Catherine's birth in Florence.


  • [History fact 7] A broken humerus of a giant fossil sea turtle (Atlantochelys mortoni) was found in New Jersey in 1849. In 2012, another broken humerus was discovered, which was found out to be the other half of the exact same bone found 163 years prior.


  • [History fact 8] Under ‘General Order 11,’ general Ulysses S. Grant expelled Jewish people from 3 states under his control out of a belief that they were responsible for corruption and smuggling in the region. Shortly after this order was issued, it was countermanded by Abraham Lincoln.


  • [History fact 9] A zombie taxon is a fossil specimen that somehow gets washed out and re-deposited into much younger rock, making it seem like the animal was walking around long after it had gone extinct.


  • [History fact 10] Stalin plotted to kill John Wayne.


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