Disease Facts Generator

  • [Disease fact 1] In 1896, a bubоnіc plаgue epіdеmic struck Bombay, and the government asked Waldemar Haffkine, developer of the first chоlera vаccіne, to help. After 3 months of persistent work (1 assistant had a nervous breakdown and 2 others quit), a vаccіne was ready, with Haffkine tеsting it on himself first.


  • [Disease fact 2] There is a voice disorder called Puberphonia where a person continues to speak like an adolescent after puberty.


  • [Disease fact 3] The Lyme disease bacteria is actually transmitted from mice to ticks. And that humans have greatly contributed to outbreaks by causing forest fragmentation and killing predators.


  • [Disease fact 4] Rita Hayworth began showing signs of Alzheimer's during her 40s. Even as it worsened, people blamed her behavior on her heavy drinking. She never got a proper diagnosis until 1979 and upon her death in 1987 at just 68, she would become a major public face for Alzheimer's Awareness.


  • [Disease fact 5] Gin and Tonic were originally created by the British East India Company as a way to get soldiers to have quinine to prevent and treat malaria. Quinine (in tonic) was too bitter. In order to get them to drink the tonic officers added the soldiers' gin rations with sugar, lime, and water.


  • [Disease fact 6] The Japanese considered raw salmon dangerous since Pacific salmon was prone to parasites. Norway had too much salmon and decided to focus on teaching Japanese consumers that Atlantic salmon was safe to eat raw. It took 10 years for Salmon sushi/sashimi to finally become popular.


  • [Disease fact 7] There is a disorder called Pure Word Deafness in which those affected are unable to comprehend spoken language while reading, writing, and speech are preserved. They can recognize non-verbal sounds, just not speech in the auditory modality.


  • [Disease fact 8] Bill Nye's family has a history of a neurological disorder called ataxia and the reason he decided not to have kids was to avoid passing down the condition to them.


  • [Disease fact 9] In 2015, Cornell University ran a simulation of an imaginary Zombie outbreak and found that most of the US population would turn into Zombies within one week from the appearance of the first case, but some remotes areas in Montana and Nevada could remain infection-free for up to one month.


  • [Disease fact 10] There is a rare degenerative muscle movement disorder called "X-linked Dystonia Parkinsonism" which almost exclusively affects only males from Panay Island in the Phillipines. It is thought to have originated from a genetic mutation introduced by ethnic groups over 2 millennia ago.


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