Random German Sentence Generator

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  • Random sentence 1

    Ich sah, wie Sie sich anfassten.

      English translation: I saw you touching yourself.

  • Random sentence 2

    Ich kann mich nicht erinnern, dass meine Eltern mich je anfassten... weder liebevoll noch strafend.

      English translation: I can't recall my parents ever having touched me, either with caresses or punishments.

  • Random sentence 3

    7 wenn sie dich mit der Hand anfaßten, so brachst du und stachst sie in die Seite; und wenn sie sich auf dich lehnten, so brachst du entzwei, und alle Hüften wankten -,

      English translation: 7 When they took hold of thee by thy hand, thou didst break, and rend all their shoulder: and when they leaned upon thee, thou brakest, and madest all their loins to be at a stand.

  • Random sentence 4

    Bevor wir etwas anfassten, machte Agent Lombard ein Foto.

      English translation: One of my colleagues took pictures of the scene before my arrival.

  • Random sentence 5

    Mike sagte, dass Sie handgreiflich wurden, dass Sie ihn anfassten.

      English translation: Mike said that you got physical with him, that you put your hands on him.

  • Random sentence 6

    Und als sie die Schlange anfassten,

      English translation: And when they touched the snake everything was fine. They were cured.

  • Random sentence 7

    Und wenn sie mich anfaßten und mich küßten, war ich hin und weg.

      English translation: When they put their hands here... and kissed me, I was gone.

New Random German Sentence Generator

About Random German Sentence Generator

This is a very powerful random sentence generator, we have collected more than 6.5 million sentences, including English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Russian. Among them, there are more than 1.7 million sentences in English, 1.2 million sentences in Spain and hundreds of thousands in other languages. You can generate sentences from specific words.

On the current page, you generate German sentences. By default, this page generates 6 German sentences. You can use the generator on the top of the Internet to generate sentences containing specific words (phrases). Each generated sentence is attached with an English translation. You can hide the English translation of all sentences or hide the English translation of the current sentence.

This random sentence generator can be used as a learning tool. When you forget how to use a certain word, you only need to enter the word and generate some sentences to know how the word is used in different scenarios. Sometimes, when you don't know how to write around a word, you can get some inspiration by using this sentence generator to generate some sentences, so this tool can also be used as a source of inspiration.

Our sentences are derived from some random articles on the Internet, some are from some papers, and some are from some news and stories, so you can see that some sentences are funny and some are even weird.

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