[Ice cream fact 1] The popular phrase, “I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream” comes from a song written by Howard Johnson, Billy Moll and Robert King in 1927.
[Ice cream fact 2] Kanazawa ice-cream pops stay frozen for an entire hour at room temperature. The process for making them was discovered accidentally, but they are now sold all over Japan.
[Ice cream fact 3] In Tokyo, Japan, you can find ice cream flavored with octopus, shrimp, horseflesh, and cow tongue.
[Ice cream fact 4] Ice cream was first invented in seventh-century China, where King Tang of Shang had a group of “ice men” create a cold dessert made from buffalo milk, flour, and camphor.
[Ice cream fact 5] In Britain, ice cream trucks can only play music from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. In the morning and evening they are only allowed to ring a hand bell in order to avoid disturbing people.
[Ice cream fact 6] Ice cream consumption increased dramatically during prohibition, as many breweries switched to making ice cream.
[Ice cream fact 7] During WWI, the Hoover administration ordered American manufacturers to reduce their ice cream production due to the sugar shortage caused by the war.
[Ice cream fact 8] The first ice cream dish in Italy was invented in 1600s Renaissance Florence, when Catherina de’ Medici held a competition for new and unique dishes to be presented at court.
[Ice cream fact 9] Americans ate a total of 2.7 billion liters of ice cream in 2016.
[Ice cream fact 10] In 1945, the US military built the first floating ice cream parlor for the sailors serving in the Pacific during WWII.
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