Ice Cream Facts Generator

  • [Ice cream fact 1] The largest ice cream sundae ever made was made in College Station Texas, where approximately 4,000 people both made and ate the entire dish in under 30 minutes.

    FoodFood ScienceIce CreamScience

  • [Ice cream fact 2] A chocolate emporium in Maine serves a butter-flavored ice cream with chunks of lobstermeat in it.

    FoodFood ScienceIce CreamScience

  • [Ice cream fact 3] People in the Persian Empire saved snow in underground keeps called “yakhchal,” and then on warm days they would serve the snow with grape juice concentrate poured over it.

    FoodFood ScienceIce CreamScience

  • [Ice cream fact 4] In 2017, Miki Sudo broke the world record for ice cream eating. She downed 16.5 pints of ice cream in 6 minutes.

    FoodFood ScienceIce CreamScience

  • [Ice cream fact 5] Around 50% of the volume in ice cream is air, which gives the dessert its light texture.

    FoodFood ScienceIce CreamScience

  • [Ice cream fact 6] The first ice cream dish in Italy was invented in 1600s Renaissance Florence, when Catherina de’ Medici held a competition for new and unique dishes to be presented at court.

    FoodFood ScienceIce CreamScience

  • [Ice cream fact 7] “Edible inventor” Charlie Harry Francis has created a champagne-flavored ice cream that is laced with 25 mg of Viagra.

    FoodFood ScienceIce CreamScience

  • [Ice cream fact 8] Ice cream maker Sebastian Joe’s invented a garlic-flavored ice cream that has yet to catch on among ice cream lovers.

    FoodFood ScienceIce CreamScience

  • [Ice cream fact 9] Although early versions of the dessert appeared in ancient China and Rome, ice cream as we know it today was created in Italy.

    FoodFood ScienceIce CreamScience

  • [Ice cream fact 10] The Romans sent slaves up into the mountains to collect snow that they flavored with fruits and juices to create their version of ice cream.

    FoodFood ScienceIce CreamScience

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This ice cream facts generator can generate some interesting ice cream facts for free. These ice cream facts can help you learn some new knowledge and know more about ice cream.

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