[Festival fact 1] A piece of the first satellite in space, the Russian Sputnik, landed in Manitowoc, Wisconsin upon re-entry and the townspeople created a festival in its honor.
[Festival fact 2] During Christmas 2000/New Year's Eve 2001, Czech TV suffered a bizarre crisis that, among other things, left the public channel off the air for 2 days.
[Festival fact 3] The Araucana Chicken is also called the “Easter Egg Chicken” because it lays natural blue, green, pink, and brown eggs.
[Festival fact 4] On Christmas Day in 1900, the first international phone call was made. John W. Atkins called to Cuba testing to see if it would be possible for the voice to be heard through the telegraph lines. After a long silence, Cuba answered with a simple “I don’t understand you.”
[Festival fact 5] 50% of kids prefer to receive chocolate candy for Halloween, compared with 24% who prefer non-chocolate candy and 10% who preferred gum.
[Festival fact 6] Because of their massive balloons during Thanksgiving parades, Macy's is the second biggest consumer of Helium in the world after the US Military.
[Festival fact 7] Up Helly Aa is a Scottish festival where people dress up as Vikings and set fire to a longship.
[Festival fact 8] In the Antebellum South, slaves dreaded January 1 also known as “Heartbreak Day” because New Year’s Day was traditionally when debts were settled, resulting in black families being torn apart as slave owners sold or rented slaves out long-term to pay back those they owed money to.
[Festival fact 9] In 2014, an Arizona man named Joseph Andrew Dekenipp escaped prison to meet with his girlfriend on Valentine's Day. The man crawled past razor wire, scaled two fences and made his way to a bar about 10 miles away.
[Festival fact 10] The reason southerners eat black-eyed peas on New Year's Day is because during Sherman's bloody march to the sea the only thing northerners didn't loot or burn were black-eyed peas, thus making them the primary source of food.
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